The Letterjoy Blog

Introducing Military History Letters - Part I

Dear readers,

In August, we announced our first "From The Vault" collection, Science & Innovation. Today, we're excited to announce our next Vault collection: Letters On Military History (Available Now!)

This much-requested six-month "From The Vault" collection features twenty-six of our best letters, telegrams, and memorandums involving the U.S. military.

As a member of this collection, you'll receive first-hand accounts of major battles from famous soldiers, sailors, spies, and aviators.

You'll also receive letters and memos from generals, admirals, diplomats, and world leaders discussing their most trying decisions and reacting to major events.

You can learn more about this collection and sign up here.

Not interested in military history? We have more great "From The Vault" collections coming later this year. If there's a specific collection you'd like to see next, please let us know.

Sincerely yours,

Michael & the Letterjoy Team

P.S. Did you know that the first prototype tank built for the US military was powered by an electric motor?